PC/SC compatible Solutions with MUTEK Card Dispensers and Collectors

This article introduces how the Microsoft PC/SC specification are the supported by MUTEK motor card dispensers. Mutek supplies machines which will support its customized or any third party PC/SC smart card readers.

PC/SC (Short for “Personal Computer/Smart Card”) is a specification for smart-card integration into computing environments. Together with several famous smart card solution provider, Microsoft has implemented PC/SC in Windows XP and makes it available under Windows NT/9x.  There are also free or forked version in Linux/Unix and Mac OS.

In Mutek, there are 2 major categories which can be involved in PC/SC implementation:  motor card dispensers and recycling machines.

  • PC/SC Card Dispensing Solutions:
    1. For direct PC/SC support : MTK-F31 can provide one-stop PC/SC dispensing solution with our customized PC/SC reader for Contact and/or Contactless IC cards;
    2. Or any third party contactless PC/SC Card reader can be mounted on any Standard Profile Card issuing machines to provide support for PC/SC specification;
  • PC/SC Card Recycling Solutions:
    1. Similar as card dispensers, our motor card collectors can integrate our customized or third party PC/SC reader to provide PC/SC support;

Important notice:

  1. All the above solutions need one USB for PC/SC reader and the other RS232/TTL interface for machine controlling.  It’s currently not possible to have an unified interface as the machine controlling protocol is not included in the PC/SC implementation;
  2. Both the machine and the card reader are controlled by host machines, communication between them need to be cooperated by the host machines;
  3. With third party PC/SC reader, it’s not easy to implement Contact IC card reader support due mechanical limitations of card issuing machines.  If you would include PC/SC contact card support, MTK-F31 and MTK-571 is the only option currently available.

In general, PC/SC is a standard specification which will greatly facilitate development of smart card applications for PC and other computing platforms.  We encourage application of our PC/SC machines in your applications.