Categories: Card Dispensers|Magnetic Card Readers|Motor Card Readers|Manual Card Readers|Kiosk Printers

Card Dispenser Kiosks: Custom Design & Manufacturing

  • MUTEK is the Leading Provider for Card Dispensers, Card Readers & Kiosk Hardware Solutions;
  • Expert on various Card Dispensing Solutions for general & special applications;
  • Capability in Development, Manufacturing, Customization & Sourcing;
  • Custom Card Dispenser Kiosk Design & Manufacturing;
  • Worldwide Service & Support.
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BD300 is a motorized plastic bag dispenser for automatic plastics bag dispensing in various self-service and vending applications such as supermarket, shopping mall, stores, drugstores and hospitals. The bag dispenser module boasts long lifecyle, less jam and less interuption. BD300 module supports dispensing plastic bag width of 200/300mm(0.12~0.5mm thickness) with serving speed up to 100mm/s. […] Read more

A free 3D step file that denotes card dimensions and the magetic stripe locations according to ISO7810&7811 and ISO/IEC 7816 Contact IC card.(Download Link at the bottom) The 3D also shows the Contact IC locations and all contact Pin locations and numbers according to ISO/IEC 7816(An international standard related to electronic identification cards with contacts, […] Read more

MTK-F59 is the card dispenser module with up to 6 portable card hoppers that can be highly customized to work with motor card readers. With card hooking mechanism applied, the machine can be controlled to issue card from designated card hopper. All Hoppers and collection boxes are securely locked for security and safe management.

Instant card Issuance or decentralized card issuance means that the credit or debit card is issued and activated on the spot and then can be used immediately. It’s essential for today’s market, enabling financial institutions to get new or existing customers up and running with their bank card instantly. There are a number of ways […] Read more

R02-P10 is a Smart Contactless Card Reader module with integrated SAM Slot. This RFID Card Reader supports wide ranges of smart cards/tags of Mifare Classic S50, S70, Desfire and Ultralight, and ISO14443-4 Type A &B CPU cards. The integrated SAM slot can use ISO7816 SAM cards. Features: Communication: RS-232 @ default baud rate 19200; Working voltage: […] Read more